Street Cleansing

Our software and services are helping local authorities and environmental service companies to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their street cleansing services.

Designing better rounds

Rather than simply reducing the frequency at which they visit streets, we are helping our customers to redesign rounds so that they maintain service quality while reducing costs. Our route optimisation solution makes it easier to design more efficient routes and ensures each route is achievable in practice to reduce the risk of public disruption.

Our solution is the world’s first and only tool created specifically for street cleansing and is designed to cope with the unique features of street cleansing schedules, such different frequencies and sides of the street. 

Going Mobile

Our mobile solutions for street cleansing let you improve the performance of your rounds by giving drivers the information they need to work more efficiently and allowing them to report issues in the cab which saves time in the depot.

Reporting problems online

We are also helping our customers to build better online services. We support the end-to-end process from first customer contact through to the delivery of services on the streets. By letting residents find information and report issues online, councils can reduce the calls they receive and improve the overall experience for citizens.

Providing Support

Where clients don’t have the resource to run a project themselves, we provide round design and optimisation as a consultancy service. Working with your supervisors and managers we build an efficient set of rounds that you can be confident will work effectively on the ground.

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